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*All programs follow a "progressive overload" structure.* 

View some previous client transformations

What my clients are saying...

“Sydney helped me so much, more than I knew I needed. I had no clue how unhealthy I was treating my body until I started working with Sydney and she has given me so much insight on nutrition, exercise, lifestyle, and more. This program was truly the best thing that has happened to me and was such an eye opening experience. Thank you Sydney for pushing me and keeping me motivated!”

- Sarah

“As someone who worked out consistently for years but never felt like I was seeing the results I wanted, Sydney was the best decision I've ever made. Not only have I noticed significant physical changes, my energy levels and overall mood have also greatly improved since I started working with Sydney. She is incredibly knowledgeable in her field and I trust her with every tweak and change she makes to my programming. I will for sure be a long-term client of hers and I can't recommend her enough!”

- Teryn

"I had been following Sydney for a few years and had watched her online training business grow and flourish. I had been consistent in the gym for many years but not seeing the little changes i wanted to see so i was so excited to train with Sydney!! Sydney makes things so easy for us - from quick responses, to tweaking anything and everything for our needs or comfort levels, and her constant encouragement. It truly feels like such a safe place and no judgement ever. Only 4 weeks in and I feel less bloated, like I’m getting better workouts, and seeing little changes. I cannot recommend any program with her enough!"

- Taylor Ann

I can not put into words how much training with Sydney Adams has changed my life. The way I view working out and eating has truly enhanced my life. I truly feel I have tried everything before and once I started training with Sydney I have a whole new mindset. The workouts Sydney provides has made me fall back in love with exercise and she shows how it can be a great part of your daily routine. Additionally I understand how food is fuel and view eating in a completely different light. Sydney genuinely cares about each of her clients and will make sure to do what she can to support each and every one of us. I am forever grateful to be training with her and have not felt happier and healthier

- Gianna

No more holding back.

It’s time to take back your health.

Listen... I have BEEN THERE. I know the constant "I'll just wait for Monday" and every other excuse. It's time to SHOW UP for YOU!

I love you, I adore you